Saturday, September 27, 2008

About this blog

I’m not a foodie, and I’m not a writer. Why, then, you may ask, start a FOOD BLOG?!? It’s simple, really: to share recipes and cooking experiences with family and friends, or anyone who cares, really.

I am not a trained chef or photographer, but I do cook for my family just about every day of the year. I truly enjoy food, and cooking, and it’s pretty scary when I think about how much time each week I dedicate to something related, whether it’s eating, shopping, prepping, washing, planning, or searching for inspiration. Since I typically only use recipes for guidance and ideas, I expect that you will do the same…consider them a starting point and get creative! The more variations, the better (well, usually)! And for that reason, I cannot always guarantee the same results, not to mention the fact that different cooking implements will affect results invariably. Also note that I am cooking at 7000 ft elevation; if you feel it is necessary to adjust your recipes/methods, feel free, but I almost never make any adjustments (except sometimes cooking times and when using slow cookers or pressure cookers) for the altitude. Call me crazy but it never seemed to make all that much difference to me. It’s not like I’m making anything so precise that it is necessary. Of course I’ve lived at high-altitudes my whole life, so maybe I’m missing something…?

The bulk of what I cook, and therefore what I blog about, are meals for my family. They are not very picky eaters, so I have the luxury of feeding them just about anything. I am continually striving to cook healthier and more wholesome foods, and being part of a community supported agriculture co-op, am obliged to cook “closer to the earth.” Hopefully I can inspire others along the way. I am always searching for new ways to prepare the sometimes mundane selection we get in the mountains of Arizona, and I will try to share our family’s favorites as well. Afterall, food is for eating!



"Copyright" Notice: Nothing on this site is copyrighted (except where indicated); I hereby release any content on this site that is not already someone else’s to anyone who wants to use it (if for non-personal use, a “courtesy of me” would be appropriate, though). Likewise, everything on this site should be considered “original” unless otherwise noted….insomuch as there is such a thing as “original.” If a recipe I post is strikingly similar to yours, please know it was unintentional.

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